Here is some more forensic/investigative code. Suppose you need to make sure a value gets in a certain column, but you don’t know the system at all.
Maybe there is a trigger or stored proc that sets the column based on some other table/column. This code gives you a list of all the stored procedures, triggers, and functions (and even views) that use that column name (or any string field).
Create table #temp1
(ServerName varchar(64), dbname varchar(64)
,spName varchar(128),ObjectType varchar(32), SearchString varchar(64))
Declare @dbid smallint, @dbname varchar(64), @longstr varchar(5000)
Declare @searhString VARCHAR(250)
set @searhString='OpenDate'
declare db_cursor cursor for
select dbid, [name]
from master..sysdatabases
--where [name] not in ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb', 'northwind', 'pubs')
where [name] in ('MyDatabase')
open db_cursor
fetch next from db_cursor into @dbid, @dbname
while (@@fetch_status = 0)
PRINT 'DB='+@dbname
set @longstr = 'Use ' + @dbname + char(13) +
'insert into #temp1 ' + char(13) +
'SELECT @@ServerName, ''' + @dbname + ''', Name
, case when [Type]= ''P'' Then ''Procedure''
when[Type]= ''V'' Then ''View''
when [Type]= ''TF'' Then ''Table-Valued Function''
when [Type]= ''FN'' Then ''Function''
when [Type]= ''TR'' Then ''Trigger''
else [Type]/*''Others''*/
, '''+ @searhString +''' FROM [SYS].[SYSCOMMEnTS]
JOIN [SYS].objects ON ID = object_id
WHERE TEXT LIKE ''%' + @searhString + '%'''
exec (@longstr)
fetch next from db_cursor into @dbid, @dbname
close db_cursor
deallocate db_cursor
select * from #temp1
Drop table #temp1
Code from: StackOverflow