Kill specific process from Powershell

#Biztalk Kill Process associated with BizTalk Host Instance $processID = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -Filter "Name='BTSSvc`$BizTalkServerApplication'" | Select-Object -Expand ProcessID Write-Host "processID=$processID" stop-process -id $processID -Force Write-Host "Completed" This can be used to kill a BizTalk Host Instance that is in the stop-pending state. Other commands you can run to see how the Get-WmiObject Win32_Service works: #get-wmiobject […]

Finding all BizTalk Send and Receive Ports that Use a Pipeline (with SQL XRef Query)

The following two queries return all send and receive ports/locations that use a given pipeline component. You can filter on the friendly name or the fully qualified name. This query can be very useful when you need to change a pipeline component, and you need to “roll off” the applications that use it, make the […]

RabbitMQ – None of the specified endpoints were reachable

Error: The Messaging Engine failed to add a receive location “rlAtlasMyExchangeName-RabbitMQ” with URL “” to the adapter “RabbitMQ”. Reason: “None of the specified endpoints were reachable”. Solution: This means that either you cannot connect to the server (or maybe the user doesn’t have access). In my case, it was a stupid typo, I had hg […]

BizTalk – SQL Xref – List all ReceiveLocations that use a certain Pipeline

Today, I was trying to find if a JSON pipeline we had was being used on a given BizTalk system. I found the SQL command from here: and just modified it to add an additional condition to the where clause and rppl.Name like ‘%json%’ Here is the full command: SELECT app.nvcName AS [Application], ass.nvcName […]

SVN – search server/repository from client for program name

Suppose you have a large code base, and you just want to search for a program name, without downloading the codebase to your local disk.  If the naming conventions are hierarchical, you can usually use the “repo-browser”, for example that comes with Tortoise-SVN.  But if a program is named differently from the hierarchical directory structure, […]

RabbitMQ DotNet for VisualStudio 2013

The newer versions of RabbitMQ from have issues with older version of DotNet and Visual Studio 2013. I picked the highest release before 4.0 and at least the NuGet package installed. Install-Package RabbitMQ.Client -Version 3.6.9 Trying to install anything after 4.0 will give the following errors: PM> Install-Package RabbitMQ.Client -Version 5.0.1 Installing ‘RabbitMQ.Client 5.0.1’. Successfully […]

SOAPUI Security Errors when testing Biztalk Published Schema (or Orchestration) as WebService

When using SOAPUI to call a BizTalk published ochestration or schema, you might get this error response/XML from SOAP-UI: Error Main error text is: The message could not be processed. This is most likely because the action ‘http://Neal.Temp.WCFTargetNamespace/Outbound214Service/Send214Request’ is incorrect or because the message contains an invalid or expired security context token or because there […]