What is the \App_Data\Temp\WcfServiceDescription.xml and how can it be used?

Any time you use the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard, it creates an IIS website with various content, including a “Temp” directory. The Temp directory has two entries:
1) BindingInfo.xml – can be used to create a Receive Port and Receive Location tied to your published web service
2) WcfServiceDescription.xml – this is the one we are going to discuss

I found this process described in this blog: Republishing BizTalk WCF Services. Also see How to Modify WCF Services previous published

You can run: BtsWcfServicePublishingWizard.exe /WcfServiceDescription=”your_WcfServiceDescription.xml”

The process is far from perfect. But it will restart the publishing wizard and on some of the screens, it will show you the same parameters. I noticed that the radio button on the screen that asks if your are publishing an orchestration or a schemas was not correct. And when you get to the screen that asks for the target namespace, the original value is not preserved and you have to re-paste it.

This could save you a lot of time, if you had a lot of services and operations in published together to the same website.

If you come to a site, and you find something has already been published, then you might have to add to it, or republish it. This can happen, for example, if you change the schema (add, removing, renaming elements and attributes).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<WcfServiceDescription xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Name="BizTalkWcfService" TargetNamespace="http://Sample.Integrations/" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2006/01/Adapter/Wcf/Publishing">
  <LocationSettings Location="http://localhost:8081/Internal" Overwrite="true" AuthAnonymous="true" />
  <ApplicationSettings CreateReceiveLocations="false" ApplicationName="" />
  <AdapterSettings AdapterName="WCF-BasicHttp" />
  <MetadataSettings EnableMetadata="true" MetadataOnly="false" ReceiveLocationName="" />
    <WcfService Name="Internal">
        <WcfOperation Name="Outbound210Service" Flow="RequestResponse">
            <WcfMessage Name="Request" Direction="Input">
              <WcfMessageType Category="XsdType" TypeName="Sample.FrontEnd.InvoiceOut.Schemas.Legacy_Outbound210_Canonical" AssemblyName="Sample.FrontEnd.InvoiceOut.Schemas, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2393c33936991560" AssemblyLocation="C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Sample.FrontEnd.InvoiceOut.Schemas\v4.0_1.0.0.0__2393c33936991560\Sample.FrontEnd.InvoiceOut.Schemas.dll" TargetNamespace="http://Sample.Integrations/" RootName="Outbound210" IsAnyType="false" IsEnvelope="false" />

Whatever you specify for the WcfOperation, should have a corresponding service file. For example, Outbound210Service above, relates to OutboundService210.svc file. The WcfMessageType gives you the TypeName and AssemblyName of the schema that was published. The Targetnamespace attribute on the root element tells you the target namespace that was used.


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