I sometime post my own code here so I can find an example I like in the future, rather than having to search the web. So there’s nothing extraordinary with the program below, just a good example of how to do SQL Server update commands using pypyodbc from Python.
It’s using a relation database (RDS) hosted on Amazon Cloud (AWS). The purpose of this program is as follows:
1) Read a CSV and get the domain name from column 2 (the CSV header was already removed)
2) Check to see if that domain-name exists in my table of domain names (SEOWebSite)
3) If it exists, update the seows_host_id to 4 (which is a foreign key to a table that specifies where the domain is hosted)
4) If it doesn’t exist, add it with some default values for various foreign keys.
import pypyodbc
import sys
print ("Python Version:" + sys.version)
connection = pypyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};'
print ("Connected")
cursor = connection.cursor()
# read each line of file
filenameContainingDomainNames = "c:/Users/nwalt/OneDrive/Documents/SEOMonitor/EBN Blogs Export_NoHeader.csv"
with open(filenameContainingDomainNames) as f:
for line in f:
fixLine = line.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '')
print ("===============================================")
print (fixLine)
columns = fixLine.split(",")
domainName = columns[1]
print ("domainName=" + domainName)
"SELECT seows_name FROM SEOWebSite WHERE seows_name = ?", [domainName])
# gets the number of rows affected by the command executed
row_count = cursor.rowcount
print("number of matching rows: {}".format(row_count))
if row_count == 0:
print ("It Does Not Exist")
SQLCommand = ("INSERT INTO SEOWebSite "
"(seows_userid, seows_name, seows_is_monetized, seows_is_pbn, seows_registrar_id, seows_host_id) "
"VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)")
Values = [1,domainName,False,True,4,4]
print ("Data Stored:" + domainName)
print ("Updating to EBN for domain=" + domainName)
SQLCommand = "UPDATE SEOWebSite set seows_host_id = 4 where seows_name = ?";
Values = [domainName]
print ("Connection closed")
One annoying thing is that the rowCount seemed to be displayed as -1 or 0, one less than what I expected.
I didn’t need to fix it, but maybe next time would try this instead: