Sometimes, you just want to know what programs or source code was most recently changed.
The excludes below were set up to work with BizTalk source directories. I was only wanting to see files changed by a person, so change the -Exclude list as needed.
$sourceCodeDirectory = "D:\Source"
$numberOfFilesToRetrieve = 50
$latestFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceCodeDirectory -Attributes !Directory `
-Recurse -Exclude *.dll, *.pdb, *.cache, File*.cs, *.xsd.cs, *.odx.ds, *.btp.cs, *.btm.cs, *.FileListAsolute.txt, *.btproj.user,
*.exe `
| Sort-Object -Descending -Property LastWriteTime | select -First $numberOfFilesToRetrieve)
$counter = 0
foreach ($file in $latestFiles)
if ($file.Fullname -notmatch "\\obj\\" -and $file.Fullname -notmatch "\\bin\\" )
$counter += 1
Write-Host $counter $file.FullName $file.LastWriteTime