With BizTalk, we often archive files in a disk directory, where each Vendor has its own archive.
Simple Example
I found the simple example below, then expanded upon:
Get-ChildItem E:\Archive | Measure-Object -Property Length -sum
Source from http://woshub.com/powershell-get-folder-sizes/
Fancy Example
This starts with the Archive directory then basically runs the command above for each subdirectory. One trick was to get the variables from the “measure-object”, and the second trick was how to present the data. Just using Write-Host statements looked very ugly.
To present the data, I wanted to use the Out-GridView. To do that, I had to load a HashTable in a list, and pass that List to the Out-GridView. I haven’t got all the numbers right-justified yet, perhaps soon.
$topDirectories = Get-ChildItem $startDir -Directory
$countDir = 0
$List = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($dir in $topDirectories)
$countDir = $countDir + 1
#if ($countDir -gt 1) {exit}
#Write-Host "Dir: $($dir.FullName)"
$measure = Get-ChildItem $dir.FullName -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property Length -sum
Write-Host $dir.BaseName $measure.Count $measure.Sum
## Empty directory seems to have null values
if ($measure.Sum -eq -$null)
$SizeMB = 0
$SizeMB = $measure.Sum / 1024 / 1024
$Hash = [ordered]@{
Directory= $dir.Fullname
Count = $measure.Count
##Size = $size.ToString().PadLeft(15,' ' ) # $a.PadLeft(15,[char]4)
SizeMB = [math]::Round($SizeMB *100) / 100 #round to two decimal places
[void]$List.Add(( [pscustomobject]$Hash ))
$List | Out-GridView -Title 'Drive Space'