Powershell to Rename Files to Add Date To Filename

With the SFTP ports in BizTalk 2013, we are using the log function. BizTalk appends each SFTP log to the end of the existing log file.
So I created a Powershell Script to take an array of directory names, and run the same re-run and delete logic for each.
I also include the logic to delete a file over a certain retention period (see also shorter code for that in prior post: “Powershell to Delete Old Files“).

# Neal Walters - 09/05/2017
# Script: RenameSFTPLogsToAddDate.ps1
# Purpose: Rename a file such as "receive_internal.txt" to
#          "receive_internal_2017_09_01.txt"
#  so that each day has it's own separate file of SFTP messages.
#  Also purge files over $retentionDays
#  Use Task Scheduler to schedlue this script
#  to run once late a night or early morning.

$retentionDays = 30
$formatDateTime = get-date -f _yyyy_MM_dd__HH_mm_ss
$formatDate = get-date -f _yyyy_MM_dd
Write-Host “formatDateTime= $formatDateTime”
Write-Host “——————————————————-”
$renameCount = 0
$skipCount = 0
$deleteCount = 0

# Array of Directory Names (logic below will process each directory you specify here)
$DirNames = “d:\BizTalk\App1\SFTPLogs\”,

Foreach ($DirName in $DirNames)
Write-Host “DirName=$DirName”
Get-ChildItem $DirName -Filter *.txt |

$fullname = $_.FullName.ToString();
$dirname = $_.Directory.ToString();
$filename = $_.Name.ToString();
$filenameOnly = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($filename)
$ext = [io.path]::GetExtension($filename) # this includes the ., for example .txt

#If filename contains an underscore, then we think it has a date in it.
#If no date found, we want to rename the file, otherwise leave it as it was.

# looking for 20 as the century… part of date 2017, 2018, 2019 etc…
# if (-Not ($filenameOnly.toString().Contains(“_20”) ) )
if (-Not ($filenameOnly -Match “_20”) )
Write-Host “OldName $fullname”
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName
$formatDate = get-date -f _yyyy_MM_dd

Write-Host “Filename=$filename”
$newFileName = $dirname + “\” + $filenameOnly + $formatDate + $ext
Write-Host “NewName $newFileName`n”
Rename-Item $fullname $newFileName
#Write-Host “Skipping file=$filenameOnly because no match”

#purge files over retentionDays days old
if ($_.LastWriteTime.AddDays($retentionDays) -lt (GET-DATE) -and -not $_.psiscontainer)
REMOVE-ITEM $_.fullname -force
} #end of Foreach-Object
Write-Host “Number of Files Renamed = $renameCount”
Write-Host “Number of Files Skipped = $skipCount (for rename)”
Write-Host “Number of Files Deleted = $deleteCount”
Write-Host “——————————————————-”


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