You can list the cmdlets yourself with this command:
<pre>Get-Command | where { $_.ModuleName -like "BizTalk*" }
But here is a convenient list in text format:
CommandType Name
———– —-
Cmdlet Add-ApplicationReference
Cmdlet Add-ApplicationResource
Cmdlet Deploy-Policy
Cmdlet Disable-ReceiveLocation
Cmdlet Enable-ReceiveLocation
Cmdlet Enlist-Orchestration
Cmdlet Enlist-SendPort
Cmdlet Enlist-SendPortGroup
Cmdlet Export-Application
Cmdlet Export-Bindings
Cmdlet Export-Policy
Cmdlet Get-ApplicationResourceSpec
Cmdlet Get-TrackedMessageInstance
Cmdlet Import-Application
Cmdlet Import-Bindings
Cmdlet Import-Policy
Cmdlet Remove-ApplicationReference
Cmdlet Restart-HostInstance
Cmdlet Resume-ServiceInstance
Cmdlet Set-DefaultApplication
Cmdlet Start-Application
Cmdlet Start-HostInstance
Cmdlet Start-Orchestration
Cmdlet Start-SendPort
Cmdlet Start-SendPortGroup
Cmdlet Stop-Application
Cmdlet Stop-HostInstance
Cmdlet Stop-Orchestration
Cmdlet Stop-SendPort
Cmdlet Stop-SendPortGroup
Cmdlet Terminate-ServiceInstance
Cmdlet Undeploy-Policy
Cmdlet Unenlist-Orchestration
Cmdlet Unenlist-SendPort
Cmdlet Unenlist-SendPortGroup
It is also surprises me that you have to run a commandlet (like Disable-ReceiveLocation myRcvLoc) rather than calling a method on an object (such as myRcvLoc.Disable).
What seems to be missing from the list above are commands to remove items (or to create new ones).
Here are some Powershell scripts that use the ExplorerOM (Object Explorer) to do so:
Or to remove send ports, you can still do:
cscript RemoveSendPort.vbs "My Business Send Port"