I’m writing a custom deploy solution for BizTalk. If the application doesn’t exist, I need to call “BTSTask AddApp” to add it.
Add-PSSnapIn -Name BiztalkFactory.PowerShell.Extensions
function checkApplicationExists ($appName)
cd "Biztalk:\Applications"
$apps = Get-ChildItem
$boolFoundMatch = $false
foreach ($app in $apps)
Write-Host " Testing $($app.Name) "
if ($app.Name -eq $appname)
$boolFoundMatch = $true
return $boolFoundMatch
# Test an application that you know exists
$appName = "Test.Vendors"
$app1Exists = checkApplicationExists $appname
Write-Host "$appName $app1Exists"
# Test an application that you know does not exist
$appName = "Test.Vendors.NonExistent"
$app1Exists = checkApplicationExists $appname
Write-Host "$appName $app1Exists"