Powershell to build BTDF PortBindingMaster File

One of the pains of the BizTalk Deployment Framework (BTDF) is that frequently, you build a PortBindingMaster file, then you change your port names, or make other changes, and have to rebuild it manually.

The manual process is to export the binding file, then carefully go through the file, making the changes to the BTDF variables (which have the pattern ${variableName}. You define those variables in the SettingFileGenerator.xml file (which is opened and edited as an Excel spreadsheet).

So I built a Powershell that would do the work for me. It could be more complicated, but for now, I usually only have to change my RabbitMQ host name, the SQL server and instance name, and sometimes a filename.

$appName = "MyApp" 
$exportFilename = "d:\GitMyApp_Dev\MyApp\MyApp.Deployment\PortBindingsMaster.xml"

cd "Biztalk:\Applications"
$app = get-item $appName 
export-bindings $app $exportFilename

$binding = get-content $exportFilename 
#Note: $ sign must be escaped in the replace statements 
$binding = $binding.replace("rabbit@localhost","rabbit@`${RabbitMQHostName}") 
#Note: if file has different case of string - the match will not happen 
$binding = $binding.replace("mssql://SQLEnv.dev.domain.net/db01/","mssql://`${DB01Server}/`${DB01Instance}") 
$binding = $binding.replace("mssql://.//","mssql://`${DB01Server}/`${DB01Instance}")
$binding = $binding.replace("c:\Integrations\MyApp\BizTalk2010File","`${FilePathFor2010}") 
Set-Content -Path $exportFilename -Value $binding 


Assumes you have installed the Powershell Extensions for BizTalk and have the:
“Add-PSSnapin BiztalkFactory.Powershell.Extensions” set up in your startup script.

It could be fancier, for example it could use RegEx to find the pattern of the SQL server name, but for now, it’s saving me a lot of time as it is.


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