How to Query Maps in Biztalk’s Management Database (BiztalkMgmtDb)

How do you find the hidden map name in the BiztalkMgmtDB (BizTalk Database)?

If you look at the table names, you will obviously find bt_MapSpec, but it doesn’t contain the map name. The map itself is hidden in the bts_Item table, which you have to join to. I found this on Jeroen Maes Integration Blog. He has a more complex query that finds a map based on the input/output target namespace. He also joins to the bts_Assembly table.

My goal was just to list all maps containing some sequence of letters (such as a customer name or abbreviation).

use BizTalkMgmtDb
select, * from bt_MapSpec  m 
inner join bts_item i on m.itemid =
where i.Name like '%ABC%'         -- just the map name 
-- where i.FullName like '%ABC%"  -- optionally use the fully qualified name 

I’m surprised there the Type column doesn’t seem to be populated with some number that indicates that the bts_Item is a map, or a schema, or whatever.


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