BizTalk – Reporting How Many Files Processed By App/Date

Often, after implementing a new system or application on BizTalk, we need to provide a report to management of how many files were processed.

If you keep an archive of all files in or out, you can use that with a simple PowerShell to accomplish the report. Here’s an example I found:

PowerShell Example 1 – Files by Date

$count = @{}
$size  = @{}

get-childitem d:\BizTalk\MyApp\Archive\EDI850Order\*.txt |
 foreach {
           $date = $_.lastwritetime.tostring('dd-MMM')
           $size[$date] += $_.length
 $count.keys |
  foreach {
            Date = $_
            'Number of files' = $Count[$_]
            Size = $Size[$_]
         } | format-table -AutoSize

Sample Results of Above Powershell

Date   Number of files   Size
----   ---------------   ----
08-Sep              14  37263
11-Sep              19  53761
12-Sep               7  26984
13-Sep              45 147575
14-Sep              44 154050

Example 2 – Multiple Folders – Files by App and Date

# Neal Walters - 09/25/2017
# Script: FileCountByDateAllDirs.ps1 
# Purpose: Get a summary report of files processed 
#  by each app on each date 
#  based on archive files 
$count = @{}
$size  = @{}

$items  = @(Get-ChildItem 'd:\BizTalk\EDIHorizon\Archive\EDI850Order' -r)
$items += @(Get-ChildItem 'd:\BizTalk\ZLien\ArchiveOutbound' -r)

$items |
 foreach {
           $posFirstSlash  = $_.fullname.indexOf("\") 
           $posSecondSlash = $_.fullname.indexOf("\", $posFirstSlash+1) 
           $posThirdSlash  = $_.fullname.indexOf("\", $posSecondSlash+1) 
           $lenApp = $posThirdSlash - $posSecondSlash - 1 
           # Write-Host $app $posSecondSlash $posThirdSlash $_.fullname 
           $date = $_.lastwritetime.tostring('yyyy-MMM-dd')
           $app = $_.fullname.substring($posSecondSlash+1,$lenApp)
           $key = $app+" "+$date
           $size[$key] += $_.length

 $count.keys |
  foreach {
            App_Date = $_
            'Number of files' = $Count[$_]
            Size = $Size[$_]
         } | format-table -AutoSize

Sample Results of Above Powershell

App_Date         Number of files     Size
--------         ---------------     ----
App1 2017-Sep-18              35   119159
App1 2017-Sep-19              32   105811
App1 2017-Sep-20              35   116315
App1 2017-Sep-21              12    34450
App1 2017-Sep-22              24    85952
App2 2017-Sep-20               2 15460798
App2 2017-Sep-21               2 15457187
App2 2017-Sep-22               2 15472012


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