This C# code fragment illustrates how to use the RegEx Captures collection within RegEx Groups.
I needed the ability to read all files in a directory, and build a CSV to cross reference the PO number to the EDI file it was in.
//Pattern we want, but then escape all the ^ signs "REF^BM^(\d*)~";
string strRegExPattern856 = @"REF^BM^(\d*)~".Replace("^", @"\^");
public static void parseFile(string strDirectoryName, string filemask, string prefix,
string filetype, string strRegExPattern,
StreamWriter objFileSW, int maxDaysBack)
string[] filenameArray =
Directory.GetFiles(strDirectoryName, filemask, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
foreach (string filename in filenameArray)
Console.WriteLine("Processing file=" + filename);
string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(filename);
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(fileContents, strRegExPattern))
//Console.WriteLine("'{0}' found at index {1}.",m.Value, m.Index);
string showFilename = Path.GetFileName(filename);
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filename);
TimeSpan daysBack = DateTime.Now.Subtract(fileInfo.LastWriteTime);
if (daysBack.Days < maxDaysBack)
//Worthless Capture collection!
foreach (Capture capture in m.Captures)
Console.WriteLine("Index={0}, Value={1}", capture.Index, capture.Value);
int loopCounter = 0;
foreach (Group grp in m.Groups)
if (loopCounter == 2) // trying to avoid subscript error
string PONum = grp.Captures[0].Value;
Console.WriteLine(loopCounter + " " + showFilename + " " + PONum);
string outline = prefix + "," +
filetype + "," +
showFilename + "," +
fileInfo.LastWriteTime +
"," + PONum;
Console.WriteLine("Skipping file " + showFilename + " Created=" +
fileInfo.CreationTime +
" Over " + maxDaysBack + " Days Ago");
} // end foreach