Base64 Encode/Decode Functions for Powershell

I found the base code for this here: If you want to know more about Base64, check out this
Wikipedia Entry

But I’m not a command-line guy, I’m a developer, and I like to have my code in a file where I can edit it, modify it, re-use it, and run it.

Function Base64Encode($textIn) 
    $b  = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("Hello World")
    $encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($b)
    return $encoded    

Function Base64Decode($textBase64In) 
    $b  = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($textBase64In)
    $decoded = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($b)
    return $decoded

#Test Logic 
$base64Encoded = Base64Encode("Hello World") 
Write-Host "`$base64Encoded=$base64Encoded"

$base64Decoded = Base64Decode($base64Encoded) 
Write-Host "`$base64Decoded=$base64Decoded"

Here is the results of running the above code:
What is your password?: Hello World
$base64Decoded=Hello World

Now, how can we use this? Let’s take the original code, comment out everything below the “#Test Logic” comment, and save it as “Base64Functions.ps1”.

I wanted to obfuscate a simple password in a config file. Encoding is definitely NOT encryption. But if someone is standing over your shoulder, or even opens the Config File – it will not be obvious that the password is Base64 and they certainly couldn’t convert it in their head or even memorize it.

I found samples for how to update a standard XML Config File at this link:

XML Config File Before:


XML Config File After:

. \Base64Functions.ps1  #reference the function created earlier 

#prompt the user to interactively enter his/her password 
$password = Read-Host 'What is your password?'   

#encode it
$base64EncodedPassword = Base64Encode($password)
Write-Host "`$base64EncodedPassword=$base64EncodedPassword"

#store it in our config file in the proper place 
$configFilename = "c:\Users\neal.walters\Documents\GmailConfig.xml"
$xmlConfig = [xml](get-content $configFilename)

$obj = $xmlConfig.configuration.appSettings.add| where {$_.Key -eq 'GmailPassword'}
$obj.Value = $base64EncodedPassword

#we change the xml in memory, so now write it back to the disk file. 

Here is the results of running the above code (I typed in “Hello World” in response to the prompt.)
What is your password?: Hello World
$base64Decoded=Hello World

XML Config File After:

In a future blog, I can show you how I use this to send GMail (Google emails) from Powershell.


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