PowerShell to MQSeries (WebSphereMQ)

I just found this sample in my archive, so decided to post it:

# This demonstrates very basic MQ functionality (to a remote machine) using PowerShell

# Neal Walters - 10/30/2013
Add-PSSnapin IBM.PowerShell.WebSphereMQ
$qmconns = @()
$qmconns += New-WMQQmgrConnDef -Name YOURNAME-HostName -Channel YOURR.SvcChannel -Port 1415
$qmgrs = Get-WMQQueueManager -Connections $qmconns
if ($qmgrs -eq $null) {Write-Host "`$qmgrs is null"}
get-wmqqueue FPES* -Qmgr $qmgrs | Select Name, CurrentDepth, DepthHighEvent, DepthHighLimit
get-wmqqueue FDS* -Qmgr $qmgrs | Select Name, CurrentDepth, DepthHighEvent, DepthHighLimit
Write-Host "Members"
# see the properties available# get-wmqqueue -Qmgr $qmgrs | Get-Member


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