Arrays for XML Objects

How to initialize an array of objects in C#. Often, we write C# test harnesses to populate some test data based on an object structure (which was ultimately created from an xml structure).

            svcref1.WiringLoanReq req =
                new TMAC.Wiring.UnitTest.CallPublishedOrch.svcref1.WiringLoanReq();
            svcref1.WiringLoanResp resp =
                new TMAC.Wiring.UnitTest.CallPublishedOrch.svcref1.WiringLoanResp();
            svcref1.WiringLoan loan1 =
                new TMAC.Wiring.UnitTest.CallPublishedOrch.svcref1.WiringLoan();
            svcref1.WiringLoan loan2 =
                new TMAC.Wiring.UnitTest.CallPublishedOrch.svcref1.WiringLoan();

            loan1.CadenceLoanId = "0012341234";
            loan1.CadenceLoanId = "0012341235";

            req.WiringLoans = new TMAC.Wiring.UnitTest.CallPublishedOrch.svcref1.WiringLoan[2];
            req.WiringLoans[0] = loan1;
            req.WiringLoans[1] = loan2;

// call the web service
 resp = client.getWiringRequest(req);


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